Saturday, October 20, 2012

Who needs t.v.?

Who needs t.v. when you have kids? I mean other than to entertain them. I can honestly say some days I get more enjoyment over watching my girls play together than I do from watching the latest episode of my favorite shows. They can taken even the most MUNDANE activities and make them something interesting.

Time to clean the kitchen? Oh, well let them show you how to pretend to be Cinderella as they sweep the floors.

Talking on the phone for a daily chat? Let Monster 1 entertain you with the conversations she has with BARBIE! Cause her and Barbie are tight.

You have some princess figurines that you need arranged? Oh, well here, let them demonstrate how to make the princesses talk to each other about who can and cannot come into the castle. No really, Monster 2 can make the princesses argue about who gets to go through the castle door for at least fifteen minutes before they move on to another topic. And she doesn't get bored doing it.

Feel like getting mad for no reason? Let's observe how Monster 1 can come up with imaginary reasons why people have made her mad. You were talking to her? You made her mad. Imaginary daddy talking to her on her imaginary phone about...well I'm not sure, cause she never said. But, he made her mad.

Need a new coloring page to decorate your refrigerator? Well, Monster 1 can show you how to use Every Single Crayon and Colored Pencil for one picture. It's a talent of hers.

Want to see the new version of Sleeping Beauty? Well I didn't either until I was watching my daughters perform it. Monster 2 didn't even care that she was Prince Charming! They did, however, dance around the living room together in almost perfect unison for about an hour pretending they were Aurora and Prince Philip.

Need some tips on being a mommy? Well my Monsters have it down to an art. They get to love their babies, dress their babies, and then leave their babies laying on the floor while they run off to eat lunch.

Did you know that kitchen chairs make the best trains? Line 'em up and there they go. Off to their various family members' houses to visit. Because it's more fun to visit when you're just pretending. Hey wait...maybe they are on to something! 

Even cooking is more entertaining with my girls. Either because they can't resist helping, or because it's an Olympic sport dancing around the two of them while they fight over who gets to stand closest to Mommy next to the stove. Which is on. A stove that generally has every burner occupied. Meaning it's hot. Next to tiny flailing arms. Yeah, it's actually a miracle that neither of them have ever burnt themselves or pushed the other straight into the boiling water.

Need a makeover? Well no one does hair and make up quite as good as Monster 1 and 2. All it takes is a plastic brush and some imaginary eyeshadow, and you are BEEE-yootiful. Of course, to them, Mommy is always beautiful. Just one more reason to delight in them. 

Now that I sit and think about all this, I'm wondering what I was thinking that it'd be fun to start over from the beginning. With a newborn. Who won't do much. Huh. Perhaps I'm not as bored as I thought. Guess I'm ok with letting Little Man cook for just a little while longer, while I kick back and enjoy my daughters for the little time I have left. While I can still just scream out "Giiiiirls? What's going on???" instead of "Kiiiiids....."
Better to just enjoy this crazy little life of having two Monsters while I still can. Because before long, I'll be diving into the world of splitting things equally between the Girls and the Boy. Not sure how that's going to work. After all, my girls are Divas. Just like their mama.

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