Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tell God your plans.

Ok, so in the past few days I've eagerly been awaiting the spontaneous surprise of going into labor. I'm ready to meet my little man. But last night Husband and I went out with the Monsters, and we just got to hang out as a family of four, knowing it could potentially be the last time that happens. I had a crazy revelation about how dramatically things are going to change soon. Not that I haven't thought about it before, but even small details struck me as "Whoa, this could be IT." The more I thought about it, the more I came to a realization that I'm just not ready for Monster3 to show up right this second. I mean, I still have stuff to do. So I came up with the "ideal" plan for his arrival. I decided to tell God my plans.
The way I see it, I have errands to run, bills to pay, and groceries to buy tomorrow (because it's payday). Friday, Husband has to work his second job. Saturday is our 5 year wedding anniversary (for which some awesome friends of ours have volunteered to take the girls!!) and possibly the LAST CHANCE we have for a long time to go out just the two of us. Which is something we haven't done least 6 months. So I figure, best not try to go into labor before then, so that we have the chance to take care of all this stuff. BUT, if Little Man were to come on Sunday, then I'd be discharged from the hospital before Halloween, which means Mommy would be home to get the Monsters ready. Not to mention Husband wouldn't have to work his second job until "potentially" next Friday, meaning he wouldn't have to technically miss any work there, while still be able to stay home using his vacation time for two weeks from his first job. So not only will we not miss out on any extra money, but by the time he has to work his side job, my mom will be here and have like...six straight days where she could stay with us. So really, Sunday is the BEST day for Little Man to make his appearance. It's two days before my due date, and the absolute perfect time.
But you know what they say. If you want to hear God laugh, tell Him your plans. ;)
When I told Husband all this, he actually asked me if I'm trying to use reverse psychology on our son. Perhaps I am tempting fate, but genuinely I want to make it Sunday. Just four more days. I think I can do it, don't you?
Plus, since Husband and I are going to see the movie Pitch Perfect on Saturday, I'm hoping I can just laugh myself into labor, as I've heard this movie is hilarious.
Yup, I've got it all figured out.
And should it not work that way, I'll get to plan his arrival at my appointment on Tuesday. The End Is In Sight.


  1. I tried to comment from Facebook but it wasn't working. Anyways, I wanna see that movie! I'm praying for Sunday.

    1. Yeah I've heard it is really funny. I'm praying for Sunday too. And crossing fingers. Toes. My eyes. lol.
