It seems like the design of my blog has changed about...oh fifty plus times, this week ALONE. Why is that? Because I am bored out of my mother-loving mind. My girls spend quite a bit of time partaking in activities that require only three things. The two of them and their imaginations. Maybe that's actually four things, but to me, I know that basically it's just the two of them kicking back in their newly structured blanket-and-couch-pillow forts, a few toys, and wait...what's that? Not Mommy. They don't need me for entertainment anymore. They have each other and some baby dolls to keep them occupied.
Which means my life of a stay at home mom consists of, well, not much. My house has stayed moderately maintained in the past couple of months, which means I don't even have much that needs to be "cleaned" other than the general pick up that takes (even in my elephant size state) a mere fifteen minutes. So what do I do with the rest of my time?
Well, I recently discovered the show How I Met Your Mother.
And there's always Pinterest.
Facebook stalking. That takes like, at least thirty minutes.
Actually Facebook bores the living piss out of me these days.
I pace around my kitchen a lot. Sometimes because I am walking back and forth staring into my cabinets, and sometimes just because well, the floor creaks in the living room when I walk.
So surely you can understand why I have changed my blog design/layout/appearance half a dozen times in the last three days. I am bored. I have nothing to do. I don't feel crafty these days so I don't really feel like crocheting. Which is a bummer since it's finally cold enough outside to actually need the things I tend to crochet (hats, scarves, etc.). If I pick a book to read, I'm reminded how boring it is to read the same books over and over and over again, but I'm too lazy to go to the library.
Basically I'm not satisfied with doing anything at home, but I don't want to venture out into the world. Sometimes I find myself wishing I'd go into labor just for the excitement of breaking up the mundane day to day Blah that I currently endure. I find myself desperate for this tiny human to be here because, hey, he can't get his own snacks. He will NEED me.
It's quite sad actually, when your reasons for wanting to give birth consist of mostly just curing your boredom. But that's the point I'm at friends. Because not much is going on these days in this crazy little life.
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