You can make fun of me all you want, but I tend to be a planner. Usually that means I'm planning out little details for things months in advance. For example, I am 36.5 weeks pregnant, and I'm thinking about the list of things that I want to take to the hospital with me, I want to install the car seat and I want to pack bags for my kids for when I go into labor. None of this is unreasonable, however, it is probably unnecessary. My youngest Monster will be making his arrival hopefully no earlier than two week from now, meaning I have AT LEAST two weeks to do all these things. Does that stop me from wanting to get up write this very second and pack a couple suitcases? Heck no. I'm just not going to, because Husband will most assuredly tell me I'm stressing over nothing.
However, one thing that I absolutely Will Not budge on planning early is my children's birthday parties. I generally know about a month in advance when and where I'm going to do it, so I can let certain people know when to request off of work. I know at least 3 weeks out what kind of "theme" I'm going to do, and I start buying accordingly. Two weeks in advance I'm planning the food and buying whatever I can that is non-perishable. The week before I'm cleaning like crazy to prep for the activity of having everyone here at my house. Two days before I'm purchasing everything else I could possibly need, and the day before I'm making the cake.
Most people laugh at me. I over-think the details. I plan the timelines. I always have someone at the house early to help me get things set up.
And my parties tend to go without a hitch.
Why? Because I think about any and every problem that COULD occur, and I plan for it. Husband tells me this is looking at things from a negative point of view because I am constantly expecting things to go wrong. Well this Negative Nancy always has solutions in the back of my head. Generally when the day of the party comes, I can be at ease, because there's nothing to worry about.
Which brings me to my next Topic To Discuss.
Monster 2's birthday party. Now, her birthday isn't until the first week of December. Which means, right now I'm thinking about two months in advance. "Extreme!" you say. "Unnecessary!" you say. Well, let's look at it this way. When my darling Monster is turning 3, her younger brother will barely be turning a mere 6 weeks old. So my brain is already anticipating the worst. I'm not going to want to clean the house. I'm going to be exhausted. Husband will obviously be back at work, and I probably will still be figuring out the ups and downs of having 3 children instead of 2. This, my friends, is a stressful thought for me. Because about the time I normally start planning will the be time that I am bringing a newborn into my home.
So I've decided to play it safe. The house will just have to be...well, as clean as we can keep it. The food? Yeah, we're gonna rock some pizza for this party. The theme? Lord only knows, because Monster 2 can't make up her mind. Blue's Clues or Ariel? Will Mommy be making the cake? Here's to hoping! Am I worried about the budget for this party, Heck yeah. But at least I'll already have my Christmas fund set aside, and any extra money can be allocated elsewhere. Do I feel like I'm mildly on top of things? Well of course, it's two months premature.
Will a tornado of worry come crashing down on me when I bring this baby home? Yeah, Probably. Look out readers, things are about to get real around here.
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