Friday, October 12, 2012

I have hit That Point.

Friends, I am there. I am at the miserable end of this pregnancy. I am at the point where every day something new hurts, and the hurt from the day before doesn't go away.

The other night I had to endure a lot of needless contractions. Why do I say needless? Because they didn't go anywhere. I was up all night in pain, timing, and calculating. I was thirty minutes away from calling my husband to come home from work. I laid down to try to get SOME inkling of sleep, and I'll be damned if they didn't just stop. Not only did they stop cold turkey, the stupid contractions left me with some intense back pain, and left over crampy feelings. 

You might say, "But this is a good thing! That means it's close to becoming the real thing!"

Yeah, it's probably close. But having never had contractions just stop on me before it is disappointing. With Monsters 1&2 when those specific pains started, they didn't stop and the next day I had a baby. So you can understand, I'm sure, my hopes being dashed. I thought I was going to have a Little Man in my arms soon, and now? Nothing. Empty arms, and no new signs of anything going on in this sad pathetic body of mine. However, with a sense of accomplishment, I was able to get a bag packed for the hospital, and laundry done to get things ready for the girls. 

Today I have encountered a burst of energy. I am hobbling around wanting to conquer the world. I will be scrubbing floors and counters, pumping out blog posts, and even having my niece and nephew over to play with the Monsters. I'm in a strangely good mood, my kids are behaving, and I am ready to get stuff done. Currently I'm indulging in the joys of chips and salsa, which is already giving me heartburn, yet I can't bring myself to care.

Calm before the storm? Who knows. I've hit That Point of let's just do this already. Let's have a baby. Let's bring Little Man home. Will I regret this burst tomorrow? Most assuredly. Unless of course, I'm having a baby...

I'm not the only eager one. My daughter and I had this conversation this morning:

Monster1: Mommy when is brother going to be here? Its taking forever!
Me: I know, but he'll come when he's ready. Trust me I want him here too.
Monster1: I think he is ready and you need to tell your doctor to get him out. I want to hold him
Me: Trust me baby girl, I wish it worked like that.
Monster1: Ugh, this is not fair. I want to see what Brother's hair looks like!

She desperately wants to know what Brother's hair is going to look like. It's cute actually. Mostly because I know both of the girls were born with zero hair. Bald as can be. But, I have had crappy heartburn, so perhaps brother will be different.

My family is now playing the waiting game. Everyone is on call. Everyone is eager. We're ready. 
Now we just need Little Man to get here, joining us in this crazy little life. 

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