Tuesday, October 16, 2012

List it! Things I Never Thought I'd Say.

1. Do not sit on your sister's head.
2. We are not watching Barbie at bedtime, it's too scary.
3. Please do not lick your shoes, that's disgusting.
4. Quit pulling your daddy's hair to wake him up.
5. Sing quieter, people on Mars can hear you. 
6. No I don't know how the people on Mars got there.
7. Girls, did I put my keys in the refrigerator?
8. Girls you cannot eat your toes, That Is Gross and it's not funny!
9. Why is your stuffed animal hanging by his neck from the door?
10. Please don't lick the dog. Or the cat. I don't care if you're giving kisses.
11. The cat is not a baby doll, quit trying to dress him up.
12. Did you just download a new game to my phone?!?!
13. Markers are not makeup, do not color your sister's face ever again.
14. Don't eat the bath bubbles
15.You can't make deals with me, I'm the Mommy.
16. That's a Mommy Word, even in a song. Don't say it.
17. Somebody jump on Daddy it's time to get up.

18. Come on girls, let's see if we can dance brother out of Mommy's belly!
19. What Auntie? You DON'T want to stand in the cold rain outside of Toys R Us on Black Friday? It'll be FUN!

20. Quit licking your snot. Get a tissue. No, a TISSUE, not your sleeve!
21. You have to start wiping your OWN butt, I can't follow you to school just because you don't like to wipe poop.
22.This isn't toddlers gone wild, put your dresses DOWN.
23 No Mommy doesn't need help getting dressed, so quit lifting my shirt up.
24. I don't know when you will get bo bos like mommy. When you're older. (For those of you who don't know, bo bos are "boobs" because I despise the words boobs and boobies.)
25. No seriously girls, you can't talk about bo bos when we're in Walmart. 

 Feel free to add your own in the comment section!


  1. HAHA! no, i DON'T want to stand outside toys r us in the freezing rain!!

  2. Hey now, it really did sound like fun! Admit it, huddling under one jacket and umbrella for two hours to go speeding through Toys R Us WAS FUN even if it doesn't sound appealing. I think the standing outside next to the couple behind us was more fun than the actual shopping part!
