Tuesday, October 2, 2012

List It! The Love Hate List

The Love List

I love...

  • sleeping in on rainy days     Something about being asleep while it's raining outside.No really, picture it. You're snuggled up under the covers, no reason to get out of bed, and you have a metal roof. It's bliss, I promise.

  • a clean kitchen    Husband sent me this picture one day while I was at a Dr.'s appointment. It was his way of letting me know that when I got home, the house was clean and I could relax. That ladies and gents, is a good man. :)

  • when the Monsters pretend play   My girls LOVE Barbies. Of all kinds. Currently as I type this I'm listening to them play together at the coffee table behind me. I would try to keep up with everything they are saying, but I know for sure, one of them is the Mommy and the other is the Daughter. That's just how they roll.

  • brushing the Monsters' hair. This is Monster 1.  Monster 1 has some crazy long hair. You might not be able to see it all in this pic, but she's got it swept up and in her "Rockstar Fashion".  I love to twirl it in my fingers, cause it's just so friggin' soft. I have no idea how she got so lucky, but I do know Miss Thang will not let me cut her hair because she wants to be just like Rapunzel.

  • salt and vinegar chips. Really, do you need a picture of that? It's pretty basic. Salt. Vinegar. I'm pregnant. Need I say more?

  • Coffee!! temporary-15.jpg image by Kerry_Doll This is my new favorite coffee mug, because it's huge. It holds a lot of coffee, which means I can have one cup, fill 'er up, and sit with the hubby and enjoy. Makes for some cozy moments around this house.

  • playing Rummy with Husband    I'm kicking his ass. Really, I am. I had a sheet with our current game to game winning ratios, but it's conveniently missing. Probably because he doesn't want me to remember that I'm up on the winning by like 3 games.
  • family snuggles on the couch! Since it requires all of us on the couch at once, I have no picture for it. Use your imagination. Snuggle time is pretty easy to understand.

  • a good book   Here in this picture you will see pretty much all of my favs. Harry Potter, Sarah Dessen, Artemis Fowl, the Rick Riordan books, a few chick lits, and my Twi-Hard books. :) That is just barely scraping the surface of the books I own, it's just my favorite ones all in one spot.

  • my friends inside the computer   No really, what would I do without the ladies from my Mommy Boards? I can't cry to anyone else about my pregnancy woes without it getting old, because at this particular board, we're all due in October and popping out babies left and right.

  • Once Upon A Time    Seriously, who ever thought this show up is amaze-balls. All the fairy tales in one show with a rocking story line? It's particularly enjoyable during the family snuggles.

  • shopping. Well, duh, I am a woman.

The Hate List

I hate.... I refuse to justify any of the hate list with pictures. Just because well, why bother? It's not like I like these things in the first place.
  • cleaning the kitchen. This is the worst chore in the house. I hate it, Husband hates it, the Monsters hate it. Need I say more?
  • listening to the Monsters run and scream through the house. Ok, so really, it's not always bad to listen to the delights of my children. However, this specific activity always seems to occur when I am suffering from a headache and fatigue.
  • unsweet tea. Blegh. This is the South after all.
  • nosy people. I mean, I'm pregnant, it's awesome. But is it really necessary to ask me about my lady bits? To ask me about my weight? To ask me about when I think I'm going to go into labor? Seriously people, get a Magic 8 ball.
  • mushrooms. Ew. They are: Slimy, gross, disgusting, flavorless, and this awkward brownish grey color. EW.
  • spending money. We're on a budget for a reason. I hate parting with money. I hate not having money. I love to shop only when I have money. Since that is...well, rare, I have decided to just hate spending money. :)
  • root beer. Blahhhhhh. I can't stand Root Beer. There is nothing even remotely appealing about it. Dr. Pepper is as close as I get to Root Beer, and even that is touch and go. Why? Cause it's disgusting. But I respect that others may actually like it. Husband included. Just don't kiss me after drinking it, or I'll smack you in the face. Then vomit.
  • writer's block. I love to blog, I want to blog, I sit in front of the computer staring at my blog. And then I get writer's block. What The Heck is this injustice?

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