Saturday, October 6, 2012

Some days.

You know the days where you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, so mad you could cry? I'm having one of those days. I am mad at everything and everyone. Starting with Husband who took for freaking ever to turn off his alarm this morning. I'm mad at Monster 1 for not sleeping through the ridiculous noise.
I'm mad at myself for being mad at her, because obviously she can't control the conundrum that keeps happening every stupid stinking morning. I'm mad that just as she was snoozy on the couch watching cartoons and I fell back asleep, I woke up again, this time because I had to pee. Story of my stupid stinking life. As if the alarm wasn't bad enough, my bladder also keeps me up for most of the night. I don't care who the hell says "Get your sleep before baby", they are stupid and irrelevant and freaking WRONG. Or they've never been pregnant and are oblivious to the fact that when it takes five whole minutes to roll over in bed, you're not sleeping, you're just in pain.
I hate people today and I feel like no one should cross my path. Which is unfortunate for my Monsters who have no where else to go to escape their Evil Mama.
I more than a little irritated that I just found a ginormous spider walking along my ceiling, threatening to fall at any moment. Our heads are not safe, and now I have to chase him down and kill him. Ew.
I am mad that my cat, a.k.a Satan Incarnate, shredded what was left of a tiny roll of toilet paper, making little paper shreds all over the one area rug I have in my house. Couldn't make it easy and do it somewhere I'd be able to sweep it up?
I'm mad that my coffee tastes like shit because Husband used the last of the coffee creamer and forgot to go to the store.
I'm mad that I'm still drinking said coffee because otherwise, I might go on a murderous rampage.
I'm hella pissed that my cereal is now soggy after the spider chasing debacle of 2012. (No seriously, I took a break right before this line to track it down. It almost fell on me, didn't die, blended in with the hardwood floor, started climbing up the broom I was holding, and then still didn't die as I basically broke my broom beating it against the floor....Maybe the spider is Satan?)
I'm mad that now I probably have to buy a new broom. 
I don't want to deal with anyone, but I'm mad that everyone is working or enjoying their Saturday meaning I have no one to complain to about how mad I am.
I am beyond exhausted with feeling like every time I turn around I'm doing things by myself. I understand, and respect, and appreciate that Husband works like he does to make ends meet and allow for some breathing room. But goodness gracious, great balls of fire, sometimes I just want to be able to say "Yeah, I got to take a nap, and relax and spend time with hubby for a change"  
Sometimes, just sometimes, I wish someone else would take my kids and clean up after them and entertain them, and keep them from going stir crazy. 
Sometimes I want to just be an onlooker for my life instead of an active participant because then maybe just maybe I'd be able to sleep.
Of course, who knows, because that damn alarm would still exist.

I'm also mildly pissy over the fact that my children want for nothing, have oodles and poodles worth of toys and barbies and movies to entertain them in their room. Why does that make me pissy?? BECAUSE THEY WON'T PLAY IN THERE! 
I hate the t.v. It is officially my worst enemy. The computer can join the t.v. in my hate-fest too. Because these stupid fracking electronics keep my children from wanting to play. Oh sure, they will play Barbies WHILE they watch t.v. They will laugh and giggle together in front of a computer game. But for the love of all things holy I cannot get them to want to just hang out in their room together and play pretend. They want to drag all the Barbies out to the living room! It's a viscous, endless cycle and I just don't want to deal with it today.
I'm mad that my daughter just decided to inform me that the jewelry box I gave her is now "Broked". 
I'm mad that I'm about to use super glue to put the drawer of the jewelry box back together. I hate super glue.

Now, my coffee is cold, my head is fuzzy from lack of sleep, and oh, did I mention Monster 2 has a runny nose for the third day in a row? The joys of being a mommy, right?

*Sigh* Alas, I love the crazy little life. Even when I'm mad as hell.

1 comment:

  1. I might be able to pick up the kids later for a little while if you need. If you ever need help just ask!!
