Yep, we've officially reached the "less than half a month to go" mark. I have never made it completely to my due date as both my girls came in the couple days beforehand. So I'm thinking that while I have 14 days until my due date, I probably have no more than 12 days before I go into labor. Just a theory.
Although, I had a doctor's appointment yesterday, where Dr. informed me that I am dilated to 1 cm. That never happened with the girls, so perhaps it will be sooner than I think.
It was an incredibly long and hard weekend in our household. I have been a very VERY exhausted Monster Mama, and poor Husband suffered the brunt end of a lot of that. At my appointment I decided to ask if there was ANYTHING I could take to help myself sleep. Unfortunately there isn't anything that Dr. felt comfortable with me taking. So, alas, I will be continuing to attempt the near impossible, Med-Free. But, on the bright side he did give me a pep talk that made me want to cry and scream in the moment, but actually makes sense in the light of a new (and well rested) day. He told me that 1. I'm not going to sleep. Right now sleep is going to go something like this: Try tying a cat to your stomach, and then try to sleep with it there knowing the cat is not going to cooperate through the process. It's impossible to sleep with a cat tied to you. And 2. This is a good thing. Because my body is adjusting to having little to no sleep, and will be better able to function under these circumstances when I have two toddlers AND a newborn. God is preparing me in the best way he sees fit.
Of course, you know what that means? Monster Man will probably be the baby that has Colic. If this is preparation, well then...I'm in for one helluva ride, because I didn't have this problem with my girls. Little Man will be keeping me on my toes for sure.
Anyway, so in the past couple of days dealing with random contractions that refuse to progress, Husband and I have done a lot of talking about how we are just Ready To Be Done. We've done the pregnancy bit twice before, and we know the end result. We're ready to just be there for crying out loud. I will say that yes, I am ready for Monster 3 to arrive, but as I was sitting here (in my sleep deprived and half delusional state) yesterday, I realized. There is about to be a BABY in this house. A baby. Not a toddler. Not a walking talking "Let me pick my own cereal" child. A Baby. Do you know how long it has been since I've even HELD a baby? A tiny squalling and completely dependent NEWBORN? Well, let's see, Monster 2 is.... 2.75 years old? Yeah, so that long. Almost 3 years since I have held a newborn. Monster 2 is the youngest of the grandchildren, so I haven't even held any small babies that belong to anyone else. I am, in fact, worried that I won't do it right. I am not even sure I remember HOW to breastfeed anymore. Or change a little bitty diaper for that matter. Monster 2 isn't potty trained yet, but she only needs like, two diapers a day? And she helps out when we change her. Lifting the butt up and what not. Babies do not help.
Man oh man, what have I gotten myself into??
I guess we'll find out soon enough, won't we?
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