As any parent of a child older than two knows, bedtime is a drama filled situation that usually involves a protest, a sit in, a screaming match, and a lock up. Or maybe that's just my house. Either way, bedtime is a bitch.
My 4 year old has a wildly active imagination and she can come up with any reason under the sun to be out of bed. Meaning my 2 year old doesn't actually have to have a reason, she just has to follow her big sister. By this point in the day, Mommy has 10-12 hours under her belt of dealing with the Monsters. Not to mention Monster 3 becomes decidedly high maintenance just when his sisters are at their worst. While I think it's a conspiracy, I'm generally too exhausted to work out any actual theories.
So three nights ago Husband, with a stroke of evil brilliance, decided to bribe our daughter with a reward if she had 4 good nights of bedtime. Monday night as we begged and pleaded at the feet of our Monster Masters to just cut us some slack, Husband struck a deal. Now Monster 1 being the apt negotiator that she is, knew that this deal was gold. If she would go to bed on time and without a fight for 4 nights (Mon-Thurs) then her and Daddy would have a camp out in the living room Friday night. The camp out would involve a fort (much to Mommy's dismay) and movies (Much to Daddy's), and every bedtime item they require for sleep.
So off they went to the calendar to mark the days that she had to have good bedtimes. Circles on each day except Friday, which received a giant star. For every night she went to bed without fuss, Husband was to put an x through the circle showing that she is one step closer to the camp out.
I'm pretty sure Husband thought he was being brilliant. That there was no way she would go to bed without fuss for 4 straight nights. Well, we may be in for a loooooong Friday night, because the little trick only has one night left to endure.
Now, Mommy may or may not be turning up the music full blast to entice my daughters to wear out all their energy, ensuring a quick and easy bedtime later tonight. Because I'm curious to see how this camp out goes. If it is effective, we might start a tradition. Or rather Husband might, because this mama will be sleeping in her bed. After all, I have to tend to the baby!
So who says you can't bribe your children? I believe you can! Especially when it's just as much fun for the parent to endure the reward as it is for the children. Granted, the parent who did the bribing might not enjoy it, but this parent sure will!
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