Monday, November 26, 2012

Moms aren't just Mothers.

After our wild and crazy night last night, I have suffered brutally through a long day that has passed too quickly. We've been relaxing and in general not doing much of anything. I am not ashamed to admit that most of my day has been spent exactly where I am now. In front of my computer working on this blog. Husband has graciously tended to the children, gone to the store for groceries, and even cleaned the kitchen. All while I've been hanging out soaking up my artificial light emitting from this glorious glowing monitor. My blog has taken on a whole new look, and it took hours to get it just right. It's still not right, but it's one step closer. The Monsters have been slightly confused today because while they have seen a whole lot of Daddy, they haven't seen much of Mommy. The fleeting moment of staggering out to the coffee pot was about it. I feel as though I'm hung over, even though I can honestly say I don't even know what that feels like.
Why have I been holed up in front of this dreadful computer all day? Because for a few minutes (ok, hours) I wanted to feel like I have more going for me than just being Mommy. Sometimes as my day to day life passes by in a blur of diaper changes, bath times and lunches of mac-n-cheese, I forget that once upon a time I was not just Mommy every day. I was a developed, insightful participant in the real world. Ok, so I could at least carry on a conversation with other adults.
These days, though, it's harder and harder to find time to be productive member of the human race. When your whole world revolves around your children and not much else, you forget what it's like to sit back and talk to someone about something other than potty training and breastfeeding.
So here I have sat, contemplating the things that interest me, and how to make sure I am incorporating those things into my daily life. I haven't figured it out yet, but I'm getting there. Here's what I have come up with so far:

I've decided that I'm going to make time each week for Husband and I to hang out with out friends. Whether it's just for an hour, or for a whole day, we need it.
I'm going to take time in the evenings once a week to hang out with just Husband. Tonight we're going to kick back and watch a movie together after the Monsters are in bed.
I am going to refresh my Bible knowledge. When Besties were here, we ended up talking about the sermon from church that morning, and it was FUN. I cracked open my Bible for the first time in a while, and was reminded of why I enjoyed studying it so much as a teen. God has some pretty cool stuff to share with us
I am going to pick my camera up again. I had so much fun taking pictures of Monster 3 two weeks ago. It reminded me of why I started taking pictures in the first place. I love creating something memorable.
I am going to start reading again. Yesterday Bestie A asked me if I had read anything good recently, and I replied with "I actually haven't tried reading anything lately." and all I could think was, once upon a time, I MADE time to read.
I'm going to try something new. I want to pick up crocheting again, but this time I want to try to make something I haven't tried to make before. I'm not sure what yet, but at some point I will come up with something.

So that's what I have so far. I am going to take the steps toward becoming a well rounded individual again. Because Moms are more than just Mothers. We're some pretty kick ass women.

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