My Monster Man is three weeks old today. Good Lord how did three weeks pass by without my notice? I guess I've been too busy baby-wearing, house cleaning, and falling asleep sitting up to realize that life goes on. I mean, seriously, as I type I've got a baby on my chest, and two hyper active Monsters demolishing my once clean living room. By once clean I might mean it's been cleaned once in the last two or three days. But who's counting? To my knowledge no one is sitting outside my windows to see how I'm taking to life with three. So we'll keep it our little secret, mmk?
To my surprise and delight, it is not as hard as I thought it would be. Monsters 1&2 are shockingly good at being big sisters. Sure, Monster 1 has had some practice, but really it's more like 1&2 were always there together. Whereas Brother, he is new, and exciting, and oh so Cute. Just ask Monster1, she's sitting here telling him how cute he is, and he is eating it up. Between her and I, he is smiling at her like crazy. Between you and me, it's probably just gas. Again, our little secret.
I have found that it's not as difficult being holed up at home these days, because well, acceptance is apprently the first step to...acceptance? Sure, we'll go with it. I've accepted that I'm going to be hanging at home with my kiddos for the next 3 or 4 (or 5 or 6) years, and that has made it a little easier to move past the mundane. Unfortunately my girls are not as understanding of the situation, meaning they are going a little stir crazy. It's a constant battle of the wills, with no end in sight. I am physically exhausted of saying the same things over and over and over and over and get the idea. Here's an excerpt of my daily conversations with my girls:
"Girls, take these toys to your room!"
"Girls, please stop screeching like howler monkeys when Brother is sleeping!"
"Girls, you cannot use the couch to make a fort, put the cushions back up there!"
"Monster 1, stop bugging your sister. Leave her toys alone, leave her food alone, leave her hair alone, LEAVE HER ALONE!"
"No you cannot take her candy just because she isn't eating it right this second. You finished yours, leave hers alone."
"Get off the dog."
"Get off the cat."
"Get off your sister."
"Dishes in the sink, not on the floor!"
"Quit climbing. Quit jumping. Quit stomping. This is not a playground it's a living room, take your rough housing to your bedroom where I can't see you."
I find myself saying "No." and "Quit that." and "Stop now." quite a bit. Or my personal favorite, "Hey! Knock it off!"
Ugh, I am such a mom.
Needless to say things are kind of crazy in our life right now, with no real end in sight. It seems the poking, prodding, teasing and fighting are going to continue. For a Very, Very Long Time.
Methinks I'm going to need more coffee just to keep up.
Monster Man has brought a new set of his own issues to the household this past week. He has decided sleep is for the weak. At least, at night it is. 75% of his day is fairly easy. He sleeps, he eats, and he poops. But there is the other 25% when he only wants Mama to hold him, and only in a certain way. He wants to cry and fuss and nurse like crazy, til he just can't take it anymore and decides it's okay after all to let Mommy go to bed. This generally starts between 7&8 p.m. and lasts until about 10:30. Sometimes he will break up the monotony of my day and have a fussy spell first thing in the mornings too. I try to remember that this too shall pass. One thing is for certain, every child is most assuredly different. Monster 3 is keeping me on my toes...
Well this mama's job is never done and I'm off to console a crying baby. Again...
It's a day to day thing.
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