Monster S, on the subject of her birthday party (which has many funny moments!)
On the theme:
S: Mama, I've decided what kind of party I would like to have.
M: Oh yeah, what kind?
S: A rainbow party. With a unicorn flying, with really big wings, and a rainbow coming out of its butt!
M: A rainbow coming out of its butt?? That's so silly!
S: Yeah, like, it's going to FART it out! *much laughter ensues*
On her gifts:
After a visit with Nana and Papaw, Monster S ended her good-byes with this:
S: Bye Nana!!! Don't forget, it's almost my birthday so go buy me lots of toys!
Me: S! You can't just say "Go buy me toys!" that's rude!
S: But I want toys, how else is she going to know if I don't tell her?
S: But I want toys, how else is she going to know if I don't tell her?
M: *shakes my head exasperatingly*
While on the phone with Grandma
Me: S, what do you want for your birthday?
S: Presents!
M: I know, but what KIND of presents? What do you want me to tell people you like?
S: Mama, if I tell them what I want I won't be surprised! *insert lots of eye rolling from Monster*
S: Presents!
M: I know, but what KIND of presents? What do you want me to tell people you like?
S: Mama, if I tell them what I want I won't be surprised! *insert lots of eye rolling from Monster*
M: Touche.
On the food:
M: S, what do you want to eat at your party?
S: Um, Food, what else would we eat?
S: Um, Food, what else would we eat?
M: *dumbstruck*
S: Well I guess we could eat lots of candy....
Monster L has had a few things to say about it too....
L: Mama, S gets wainbows for her pawty. Loss and Loss of WAINBOWS in the SKY!
M: Yep, lots and lots of rainbows.
L: Lie-Lie loves wainbows. (Lie-Lie is what L calls herself)
M: Mama loves rainbows too.
L: NO! You no love dem. I love dem. You just the mama, and you no love wainbows cause wainbows are for little girls.
M: Well Mama was a little girl once.
L: No, you just mama. (Observant little sh*t.)
On the subject of their Brother.
L: Mama, brudder is stinky. I don't want Brother anymore.
M: Baby, we can't get rid of Brother. He's our baby!
L: No mama, he YOUR baby. I no want him.
M: Ok, he's my baby.
L: Oh sweet mama, look at your baby. Can I hold hims?
M: Wait, I thought you didn't want him?
L: I just attending* mama. (*pretending in Monster L speak)
L: I just attending* mama. (*pretending in Monster L speak)
S: Mama, Brother cries a lot, can't you make him stop?
M: If only I could babycakes.
M: If only I could babycakes.
S: Well then what ARE you doing?
M: Good talk S, good talk.
S: Ugh, you just don't understand what I'm SAYING.
That's right folks, she's almost 5 going on Shoot Me Now 15!
For the moments when listening is overrated.
M: S, you and I are about to box, and I'm going to win (metaphorically, of course)
S: Um, no, you are NOT going to win.
M: *taken aback* Excuse me? What did you just say?
S: I SAID you are not going to win, I promise Mama.
S: I SAID you are not going to win, I promise Mama.
I walked away folks. I feel I should add a disclosure that my child IS still living, and no one was harmed in the making of this moment.
M: L, you need to help your sister clean your room.
L: Oh no Mommy, I can't help I holding my GeeRaffey (her stuffed giraffe) and I sooooo tired.
M: No, you need to help S.
L: S do it, not Lie-lie.
M: No, pick up your People, right now.
S: Oh it's ok mama I'll pick up the people. L can do the clothes.
L: NO, Lie-lie do the people! Dose my people, I no want to do the clothes.
S: Ok, I'll do the clothes, you do the people.
M:Very clever S. I like your style.
They didn't get far in cleaning their room. They did however clean just enough so that they had a spot to play with their Little People.
Love these!!