Saturday, May 18, 2013

A Tiny Toe Dip.

I have been in a funk friends. A no-cleaning, no-motivation, don't-want-to-leave-my-house-or-change-out-of-pjs kind of funk. I don't know what brought it on, except maybe the mundane day-to-day dredge of life and housework. It hasn't been pretty, and if you saw my house two days ago, you would take me by the shoulders and yell at me to snap out of it.
But that, I hope, is a thing of the past now. I went to bed Thursday evening having accomplished more in the hour before I went to bed than I have accomplished in the last two weeks. Friday brought the joy of waking up to a clean house. Friday was a motivated kind of day, where four loads of laundry were finished to completion. My floors were swept, in a frantic rush in hopes of getting rid of some of the dog fur that had staked claim in the corners of each room. To put it simply, yesterday kicked ass.
I surfed Pinterest before bed, thinking of all the things I want to do with my children over the summer. I went to bed relieved for the first time in weeks that my husband would be working today. It is Saturday friends, the beginning of the weekend for so many of you, and the start of a two day countdown for me. Monday is a free day in this house. A day where Daddy is home, and we have an entire day to hang out as a family. Today would normally be filled with the disappointment that the rain was here, but not enough to keep Husband from work. Instead, having spent the last week plagued with thoughts of money, I am grateful that Husband has it in him to keep on trekking in his constant battle for provision. I am a lucky lady today. No luckier than I was last week, but today I am filled with the realization of it.

It has been a week from hell, and somehow I managed to not pull out my hair right along with Monster Man, who's newfound discovery of inducing pain has been a source of delight (for him) and tear jerking (LITERALLY, for me). This week brought new challenges, in the form of a brand new diet for this already half-crazed mama. Monster man is allergic to peanuts, and eggs. What does this mean for one so young? It means that his nursing mama can no longer consume ANYTHING with those in it. Do you know how many things have eggs and peanuts in them?? Not as many as dairy, which is what we tried first. But still, every label I read has the potential to be exasperating. Oh, and not only that, but Holy Moly Batman. Please, for the love of all things people, start reading the labels of foods you eat. Some of them contain some surprising, and almost gag-worthy, ingredients. I've been warned not to read the Great Value brand label of Kool-Aid. Out of pure self-preservation, I'm not going to. But I'm also not going to use it. Anyway, a new diet isn't as bad as I thought, and perhaps it is the reason that in the last two days I've lost 3 pounds. I'm sticking to a safe choice of salad with fresh ingredients. That seems to be the best way to go. I am thoroughly relieved, however, to be able to consume my coffee creamer again. I spent three days after Monster Man's six month check up not eating dairy, while we waited for the allergy panel results. I didn't think I would be as relieved as I was to put cheese on my pasta, and creamer in my coffee.
MMMMmmmm, coffee. Yeah, I definitely was not enjoying my coffee, so that is another thing to be thankful for today. The nice hot cup sitting in front of me is a source of joy and solace. I can tune out the world with this cup. This cup is beautiful, this cup a pure delight. This cup...Holy shit, my coffee cup has a crack in the handle. Ok, maybe it's not as beautiful as I was describing, but hey, it's coffee and it's consumable. Cracks be damned.
I'm going a little off point. I'd hate for you to think that my week from hell was brought on entirely by my son's allergies. That's not the case, because honestly that is a small blip on the radar of life.
I've said it before, I'm saying it now, and I'm positive I'll say it again. Money Sucks. Every aspect of it. Having it, not having it, needing it, not needing it, being late on bills, and shuffling bills around. Money seems to run our lives. Husband is working two jobs and while he isn't concerned, I find myself analyzing the way he is when he is home. My biggest fear in life is that something could happen to him, and let me tell you, it is exhausting to worry. But I do, because it is my job, and he is my world. I worry that he is working too much, sometimes I worry he isn't working enough. I worry that he is going to burn out, and I also worry that he'll dig deep and find a secret energy reserve that allows him to work even more. Poor guy, he's so blind. I mean, what else could it be that's driving him to such measures, if he's not completely blinded by love for his family? Exactly how it should be, but here I sit, still worrying. Needless to say, this week has held a lot of talk of work and money, all of which is just so overwhelming. Hell, I only cleaned the house so I could feel like I was doing SOMETHING to help, to maybe relieve a little of the burden. I'm a firm believer, after all, that looking at a clean kitchen has the potential to make anyone feel better about life in general.

Sometimes, all you need is a little perspective that things are going to be ok. After the week delivered to my door by Satan himself, I got a lot done. In fact, I thought for sure I wouldn't be able to jump back to my blog with a new post, but here it is! An update on our crazy little life, and hopefully the toe dip in the water that I needed to jump in full force. I'll try to be back again soon, readers, because I have so much that is going on that could be the outline for a bit of comedic relief. Then again, it's all the same 'ole same 'ole for me, and sometimes I can't make funny out of mundane. But I will try. 

Until Next Time.

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