Sunday, May 19, 2013

Almost perfect.

It has happened, at long long last. I may have mentioned in one of my previous posts (don't ask me which, couldn't tell ya) that Monster Man is allergic to eggs and peanuts. As a nursing mom, this means I'm taking those foods, and any that contain them, out of my diet. Already we have seen a huge improvement in his skin and a dramatic decrease in eczema flare ups. While this is outstanding news that deserves a celebration, I am celebrating another big moment for myself. 
Perhaps it's reading every single ingredient on every single food label (um, by the way, can you say GROSS Great Value brand???) or maybe it's just that it's summer and I'm sweating it all off. Who cares why it happened, just that it did. 
I know I'm leaving you in so much suspense.
I am FINALLY under the "Less than 30 pounds to go" mark. I am only 27 pounds away from being back to my pre-pregnant (with Monster L) weight! And it happens every time, I'll soon stop breastfeeding and then BAM ten more pounds will go (because that's the weight I carry around in my sad, child inflicted chest) and then there's no telling what will happen. 
This may seem trivial to all of you, but really it is cause for celebration. It almost makes me want to work out...

Nah, I think I'll just keep eating salads. 
Carry on friends, in your quests to happiness. Nothing can deter me today, because right now my crazy little life is almost perfect.

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