Friday, February 1, 2013

Sewing Success!

I finally pulled out my spiffy sewing machine last week and knocked out my first two projects. Now, on my "List It-Things to Do in 2013" page, I set myself a goal of sewing 5 things with my sewing machine. Technically I have already physically made two items, but only one of those items was on my list. But before I start talking about that list, I want to talk about my fun with the sewing machine.
My purse. It's sexy, and it knows it.
I love, Love, LOVED making something productive for myself. In fact, I was proud that I even made the decision for my first two projects to be for me personally, because I always battle with wanting to do things for my children or for others. I suppose you could say that on my first day piddling around on the machine, I did make a Barbie dress that would have looked more in place on a cave-woman than a Barbie doll. I choose not to count this as my first project. It sucked in comparison. So I choose to consider my first project to be the purse that I made for me, myself, and I. It's a basic, one pouch slew of fabric with straps. But I love it. Because I made it, therefore I am awesome and the purse is too. 

Then out of some scraps of flannel I had leftover (HOLY CROW. Ya'll, My purse has lost its title of first place because I made burp cloths. 3 sets of burp cloths. Forget about that though and let's just pretend, mmk?) from some other project that I will not mention, I made an apron (go ahead and shriek at your computer that I made what?!? out of flannel). It is a very basic apron, as I only had So Much flannel left, and it is basically just for the purpose of being able to 1) protect my poor thigh faded pants, and 2) give me a place to hold my phone and a dishtowel while I cook or clean. However, despite all the work I put into placing my first ever pocket onto my 2nd ever (pretending still) project, I have yet to use my apron. Instead, I like to pull it out and show people "What I made!" when they come over to visit. So my pants are still slowly but surely being worn and faded in the general thigh/butt area. Ah well, can't fix everything right?
The super soft, flannel apron. The green strap hold my towel. Genius, I know.

So here's to sewing projects, the first of what I hope is many! Or at least, the five I'd like to complete for my List of things to do, in 2013. :)

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