Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My vanity is playing peek-a-boo. Indulge me for a minute.

So, friends, I have come to a realization. I might be thinking a little highly of myself when it comes to my blog. I enjoy writing it, and I am pretty confident that people enjoy reading it. So I've decided to do a little bit of "self promotion" so to speak. I am going to do a giveaway. Now, there is going to be a process involved with this giveaway, and it is not going to happen right this second. This is just a little forewarning so you all can prepare yourself for all the hard work involved with winning the giveaway prize.

Here is how it is going to play out.

First, I'm going to have to do some work. Because, like all good and wonderful things, nothing is free, and I have to get the prize in order to give the prize. Now, a friend of mine is a Product Thirty-One director, and she is having a little contest of her own. In which I will be participating. Starting on March 1st, myself and 11 other people will be "competing" to win between a set of prizes. In order to win a prize, we have to get AT LEAST $100 worth of sales, either of our own purchasing or from our friends. The person who obtains the highest number of sales gets first pick between the prizes, and there is an additional prize for every $100 spent. So say I get $200 worth of sales for this contest, then I get TWO prizes. If I sell more than the other 11 girls, then I get to PICK my first prize. And that my friends, is where my giveaway comes in. As I do this competition, I will be promoting my friend's business, and my blog. Because if I win a prize, that becomes the giveaway prize for my blog. See how this works?

So what does all this have to do with you and MY giveaway? Well, for starters, if anyone wants to help me win this Bunny Hopper contest, and places and order, you are automatically entered to win from the giveaway. So if that strikes your fancy and you LOVE Thirty-One products like I do, let me tell you how to place an order should you choose to. Unless you see me in person, most of you will have to place an order online. Starting March 1st, and ending on March 25th, you can go to this website: Joni's Thirty-One Website and click on the link My Parties. Look for the event titled "The Bunny Hop" (It's not there yet, but it will be!) to place your order and help me win! After all, who doesn't love stylish and organizational bags?? I personally am probably ordering these: Mini Utility Bins because Monster D has one, and I figure I'll get the Monster girls one each as well and then we'll always have bins to use as Easter baskets!! I mean, really, who doesn't love a multi-functional storage item? I'm also seriously considering these: Timeless Memory Pouches because for $5 you get two drawstring bags, and the large one alone is worth that! But my secret, ultimate desired item is this Home Organizer because if it screams organization, I'm all ears. Plus, I love dry erase boards, and this has one.

Ok, so I am shamelessly trying to sell you on all these items, mostly because, well, it is a goal of mine to have a contest through my blog. So my friends, THAT is one way you can enter to win. Buy an item (just not before the event, or it won't help me out!), and your name goes in the hat. If I draw your name from the hat, you win. Easy Cheesy.  The prizes I COULD get (which ultimately means YOU could get) are as follows: 

$25 in free credit
$25 of free credit and one 1/2 price item
1 of 3 "Hostess Exclusive" items. The hostess exclusive items are these: The Perfect Party Set, The Party Thermal, and The Rolling Tote

If you pay attention REAL closely, you can see that The Rolling Tote is a pretty spectacular item. Hey, I would love to get it for myself! I just never go anywhere. So fingers crossed my friends, that I get the highest amount of orders, because then I get to pick my prize, and you better believe that's the one I'd pick! Because that would be one heck of a giveaway prize! And all you have to do is order even just ONE  Thirty-One item, and you could be entered to win!

Now that I've explained to you the beginning stages of my giveaway process, I'm going to leave you hanging in suspense. Say what? You mean I'm not going to tell you the other ways you could win? Nope, I'm not. One, because I'm cruel, and two, because I want you to come back, keep reading, and keep looking for an update. See what I did there? ;)

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