Friday, February 1, 2013

A whole new world.

The Monster house is slowly but surely turning into a T.V. Free household. I can not with any certainty promise that it will be completely without the magic screen, but for now it is at least under control and maintained. Why, you ask? Because this Monster Mama has put her Monster minions on a strict schedule. Ok, so it is not the most strict of schedules. But it is better than it was, and already I am witnessing a dramatic difference in my children.

Not too long ago, my household just sort of ran amok. Doing what they wanted, when they wanted, and only accomplishing things in a rushed, stressful manner. After repeated days of tantrums, glazed eyeballs, and zero housework being accomplished, I set myself a goal. I decided that my family was going to go on a schedule. A loose, flexible if not just a general outline kind of schedule. This is what it has looked like around here this past week:

Between 8 and 9a.m.- get up, sludge on out the kitchen where the Monster daughters await their breakfast. At this point in time the three of use indulge in a bowl of cereal, and Monster Mama waits for the coffee and caffeine to kick in, immediately morphing into a happier human being.

9:30-10a.m. The first 30 minutes of t.v. time, while I begin daily chores.
10-12:30  Whatever activity entertains the Monsters while I continue the daily chores. This includes but is not limited to: playing in their room, coloring/general arts and crafts, story time (thanks to the delightful discovery of Sparkle Stories!), or helping me with chores. This is when the bulk of my "cleaning" gets done. I have successfully maintained at least the three main room of our house, while also (almost) keeping up with the laundry. 

At almost exactly (no more than ten minutes past) 12:30 it is time for lunch. The Monsters KNOW when it is time for lunch. Something about cereal does not satisfy their hunger most days, and they are always ravenous, starved tiny humans by the time lunch rolls around. Of course, this is an exaggeration, as I do not starve my children. They just think I do.

An hour later (because it takes that long to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, don't ya know) it is nap time. This has been a battle as my children have been out of the nap routine for almost six months. However, with some patience (read: hair pulling and the threat of losing Even More t.v. time) my children have managed to endure (read: conked out like they were born to sleep) naps like little champs. 
 Now this is the glory time. The time where it is just me, relaxing. Of course, by relaxing this means folding laundry while I myself try to make it through one episode of whatever show is in my Hulu queue. Monster Man typically is awake for all of this, making it damn near impossible to enjoy but more enjoyable than if all three of them were awake. Make sense?

After naps is the downward countdown to bedtime (go figure) of dinner, baths (if that wasn't included in the 10-12:30 slot that morning), and some more of their allotted t.v. time. Once 7p.m. hits, it's a party for Husband and I because we finally get to sit down and enjoy some quiet.

Who knows how long this will last. I pray it lasts forever, because I honestly do not think my household has run this smoothly in...well, the entire existence of my household!
Fingers crossed friends. This crazy little life has morphed into a whole new world. Now we just have to make it stick!  ;)

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