Saturday mornings around here generally start the same way. Everyone wakes up in a particular order, Monster 1 then 2, then Mommy then Daddy. Normally we all lounge around and wait for something, ANYTHING, to happen before we really start our day. Not today though. Today we all woke up, and started cleaning. Which I must say is a relief because the weekends bring a storm of dishes and tornadoes of clothing and toys scattered from room to room. The resulting mess by Monday evening is so horrendous that Tuesday and Wednesday while Daddy is at work I am cleaning until the house is livable once again.
But like I said, today was different. My monsters helped out, and we had everything picked up within an hour of being awake. Meaning the following time has been spent playing, taking pictures, eating lunch and so on.
Taking pictures used to be part of our regular routine because Mommy couldn't go one week without picking up a camera. This habit died down to a disappointingly non-existent level resulting in there being little to zero record of my children for at least a 6 month stretch. Once upon a time I had at least one picture of each of them for every month of the year. Sadly 2011/2012 are missing quite of few months of their development which can only be blamed on the fact that Mommy was working and just let my camera collect an exaggerated amount of dust. However, I finally caved and pulled out the old DSLR and put it to work, making Monster 1's 4 yr pictures something beautiful to be treasured and hopefully soon, printed out to be hung on my wall. What a wonderful time to pick this habit up again, right as we are preparing for the arrival of baby #3.
Anyway. This sudden burst of photographic interest led to me to hand over my little point and shoot to my 4 yr old this morning, and she took some delightful pictures of all of us walking around the house, and then captured the first "official" picture of my belly while pregnant with Brother. Surprisingly, she took an excellent shot, lined up and aimed perfectly. I think she may take after her Mama and take a real interest in the camera. I couldn't be more proud, actually.
Meanwhile, my youngest has tuned into her inner imagination and continued with one of her favorite games of pretend : playing puppy. Of course I didn't realize at first that we were pretending and quickly jumped to stop her from eating the bowl of dog food. I know it is basically a right of passage for a child to consume dog food, but that doesn't mean I didn't try to stop it! Imagine my surprise when her big sister turned to me to explain little sister's tears, and that "she was just attending Mommy, she's not REALLY eating Lily's food!" Poor little puppy was devastated that I wouldn't let her "eat" her food, because she was in fact A Puppy. Which she also told me in her still broken verbal ability. " I a puppy Mommy, I want eat my foooood." A moment as a mother I said what I've never imagined myself saying. "Oh, ok, you can eat your puppy food!" Ugh, the disgust at the thought, but who am I to crush their imaginative ability?
Now as I type, Daddy and Lily the dog are kicked back on the couch while my girls are walking around holding hands and playing intently with each other. It can't possibly last much longer, but I suppose while it is, I can pick a book and read. I just love Saturday relax time, a time of calm in our crazy, chaotic life.
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