My kids won't wear clothes. Genuinely we've tried to keep them dressed from head to toe. It doesn't seem to work. I'll randomly find clothes scattered throughout the house as they discard an item room by room. By the time naptime hits, my children are in just their underwear. I don't get it. I love clothes. However, as soon as we come home from being out, off come the clothes. Play outside? Sure, let's do it in our underwear! Take a bath? Heck yeah we'll take our clothes off! Going in public? Well, let's AT LEAST remove our shoes! I just don't get it. But I suppose when you're little it just doesn't matter if you're wearing clothes or not.
Oh, and another little quirk of my children. They can't sit next to each other. Don't get me wrong. They LOVE to sit with each other. For about 20 seconds. Then one of them is putting their finger in the other's eyeball. Or sticking a foot on top of the other's head. Using their TOES to play with the other's hair! Is this normal sibling behavior? I know they live to make each other crazy, but something about my children, it just makes me crazy. They have magnets in their hands and feet that are attracted to each other's heads. No other body parts. They don't oh so casually hold hands or tickle each other. They stick their hands and feet in each other's faces. It's enough to gross any person out, even me, their mother.
And have I mentioned that my girls are just plain gross sometimes? I always thought that boys were the ones who wanted to pick their noses, burp real loud and talk about farts. I was sorely mistaken. It is apparently a game for my girls to pretend to fart on each other. They think it is hysterical! I think that perhaps when I was working, they spent just a little too much time around their Daddy. Because he is a guy, so of course he thinks this game is funny. I can't tell you how many times my girls have walked up to someone in our house, stuck their butts out and said "Ha ha, my booty farted on you!" No really. This actually does happen. And you can't NOT laugh. It's depressing.
My girls wrestle. Knock out, drag down wrestling. They pull hair, sit on faces, and roll around on top of each other. They also laugh the entire time. Until someone gets kneed in the face. Yeah I know. Why do I let them do this? Because it's a family past time in our house to all wrestle on Mommy and Daddy's bed. Except now Mommy has a baby in her belly and can't wrestle so they just do it with each other. On the wood floor. Under the coffee table. It's deliriously exciting.
My daughter. Is my daughter. There's no doubt about it. She is too smart for her own good. Sometimes, this does not work in my favor. Sometimes it does. Like when her Papaw tells her he's going to get her and sister ice cream, and she says "Mommy needs ice cream too for the baby." Then Papaw says, "The baby isn't here yet, he can't eat it." and she replies "Yes he can. Mommy eats the ice cream and it goes down into her belly and brother eats it there". My kid is a genius sometimes, and the end result is a delectable chocolate shake from Sonic. :) However, when she says stuff like "Mommy, you said yesterday that we would blow bubbles outside after breakfast, and that I could have a piece of cake to eat for breakfast and I know you weren't just joking!" Like I said. Genius. My kid.
Oh, how about when I was on hour 5 of making her Ariel birthday cake and asked her what she thought, and she said "Well Mommy you're doing an awesomest job, but I think she needs the rest of her hair and skins." Yeah. It's adorable.
I am so sure that I could just keep talking about these sweet little creatures, spawn of my being, but I think instead I'm going to focus on the the 300 pictures I just took of them and pretend that they ALWAYS look that sweet.
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