Sunday, September 30, 2012

God plays The Butterfly Effect

I've learned that things happen for a reason. In fact Every Thing happens for a reason. People's paths cross at times in their lives when they will inevitably need each other. Relationships fall away and reconnect at the exact moment when God needs them to. Friendships deepen for a reason, and bonds are formed for a bigger purpose than just having someone to talk to or hang out with. 

I know all this from first hand experience. How many people have seen the Butterfly Effect? Old movie, probably the only one Ashton Kutcher was ever actually good in. This movie has so much truth in it it's not even funny. It's a movie all about how one little thing can change the course of lives forever. Currently I am marveling over how things have played out in my life. 
Such as, if I hadn't gotten the exact job that I did when I was in high school, I would have never met my husband.
If I hadn't lived in the exact house I lived in, I wouldn't have met certain people I went to high school with. 
If other people hadn't dated other people, I wouldn't have developed a friendship that I had so long ago.
If one friend hadn't chosen to take a different path on who to be friends with, I wouldn't have drifted from some of the friendships I had, and towards the ones I left school with.
If I hadn't moved out and gotten married at 18 I might have ended up in a completely different world than the one I live in now.
Say for example, I hadn't married into the family that I did, I might have never seen a marriage that has lasted for 30+ years up close and personal.
Had I never witnessed the family unit my husband's family has, I might have given in to giving up on something that has made my life better.
Say my marriage had fallen apart during a time when I thought we couldn't recover, I never would have seen my husband as an even better man than I originally thought he was.
Then we may have never reconnected with some of these old friends.Friends that didn't even know how connected we all are from the past, knowing certain people.
We may have never become so valuable to each other. 

I think that my husband and I have gained a lifelong friendship that is deeper than anything else we've ever experienced. A real friendship that could move mountains. What I'm saying is, we've gained more to our family.

Certainly I am in awe of how God works. Because I could play the butterfly effect all day and think about how things COULD be different. But God clearly didn't want it that way. He wanted us exactly where we are for a reason. Because He knew that we were going to get to this point, where we would find two people we needed, and who needed us, and that no one else would do.
For the two of you who know who I'm talking about, you know who you are, and I'm so glad that we've all found each other.