Thursday, September 20, 2012

I can honestly say that today my post is going to be a lot of rambling about basically nothing. I am in that kind of mood.
Which is to say, I'm in a mood where I don't know how I'm feeling and I'd rather word vomit than try to focus in on one emotion.

I am finally sleeping better at night. Correction, I am finally sleeping better in the mornings once hubby goes to work. Why, you ask? Because for some reason having the entire bed to myself makes my life soooo much easier. That's not to say that I don't wish I could wake up and have my hubby here all the time, but I at least can enjoy the fact that I'm sleeping a little better.
This, however, is not causing my mood to improve to greatly. The past few mornings I have dealt with waking up and rolling out of bed to deal with the fact that my youngest Monster has in fact morphed into a monster. Monster2 has reached the official terrible twos. She fights with me every single morning, and refuses to listen to something as simple as "Come here, so I can change your diaper". She gets an attitude, and has decided that her new favorite thing to do is tell other people what they can't do. My sister in law was over yesterday to visit, and what does my Monster do? Starts screaming and crying because she didn't want her Aunt talking to her Mommy. The screaming has actually reached a limit of monumental stress. I can't go anywhere without this child bursting into tears. She cries to get attention, I think, and to be honest, I'm not sure how to handle it because this child is most certainly NOT attention deprived. We snuggle and play daily, we talk about all kinds of things (as much as you can with a two year old) and her sister is a fantastic big sister. For some reason though, this does not stop Monster 2 from reverting back into her "baby phase" of whining instead of talking, not using her words, and of crying. Incessantly.

Friends, I'm at my whits end! With a newborn on the way in just a mere 6 weeks (less than to be exact), I am not sure if I can handle all of the crying and fit throwing that my previously perfectly content child has undertaken as her new personality. Should anyone have any advice on how to get my 2-almost-3 year old to stop using the words "No I won't" as her go to response, please, leave a comment below to help save a frustrated mama!

On a completely different but not unrelated topic, I am 34.5 weeks pregnant. I have less than 6 weeks left before my little man makes his appearance in this world. I am kind of shocked that it has happened so fast, but miserable that there is still so much time left! I've recently decided that I must have a distant relation to an elephant, whose gestation cycle is 22 months. In other words, I feel like I've been pregnant for freaking ever. My ribs hurt consistently. My hips crack when I walk. My breath catches just at the thought of standing for more than ten minutes. I get stuck if I lay down too long because it physically hurts to get up. I have heartburn just from drinking water! Which to me seems damn near ridiculous. Who gets heartburn from WATER for crying out loud? I do, that's who. My bladder has reduced to the size of my pinky fingernail. Oh yes, it's that small. The result is that I am constantly peeing. Sometimes on myself. Pregnancy is ridiculous.
But it's also beautiful. Every time I am doubled over in pain from a particularly strong kick in my side, I remember that every single day this baby gets bigger and stronger. Every day he gets closer to being here with me, and I cannot wait.

The final monumental marker of my pregnancy is my baby shower, which has finally arrived and will occur in just a mere day and a half. I am actually really excited. But I'm sad as well. It's my last shower. My last baby. The time has actually come where I can say, after this, no more. And who knows when we'll get another niece or nephew.

Friends, now I am sad. I think it's time to stop while I am ahead and just camp out on the couch with my girlies. I considered folding laundry, but I've decided against it.
Hope you all have a wonderful day.

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