Monday, April 16, 2012

Projects Galore

Today our girls officially were put back together in their pink room. I am relieved for one reason. Now they are close by my room, and I don't have to worry about not seeing them sneak out at night. Especially now that they are BOTH in big girl beds.
However, it was quite a project, and involved the task of murdering both their new(old) room, and the room Monster 1 was in briefly. We had to take apart the crib, which made me sad because now Monster 2 can't be put back in it to relive the baby lovin' days. Which means for the next 6 lonely crib-less months I will be eagerly awaiting Monster 3 to make his/her appearance. 
I am a crazy person when it comes to stuff like this. I detest cleaning, but I thoroughly enjoy the end result. I also enjoy making my husband's life difficult by try to find new ways to make things around our house less cluttered and more eye appealing.Which entails a lot of picture hanging and arranging, and needless shelves being hung in the girls room because "Of course they want to hang up their dress up clothes on a purple hook shelf!" and "Of course they will hang their necklaces from that shelf and ONLY put the makeup accessories on top of it".  I'm a little idealistic when it comes to my children. I truly believe that they want things to look cute just like I do. That they enjoy a clean room and having their dolls all lined up, sitting pretty on the storage bench between their beds. Some people might say I'm not idealistic, I'm straight up naive. This is probably accurate. I stalk the Better Homes and Garden website for inspiring ideas on how to decorate my house. Somehow, even though to the articles say budget friendly, my results are never as polished or refined, because I'm using scrap wood and leftover paint. Yet I push on, in my frenzy to clean and organize a home with too many clothes, too many toys, and too many pieces of junk that my husband and I just can't seem to part with. 
We recently had a yard sale in an effort to de-clutter. Which we did, to an extent. We made $175 and got rid of JUNK. Yet here we are in the same cluttered house. I don't even think we have room for a fifth human being in this household. My laundry piles alone are big enough to make space for at least 3 human beings, not just the one we are anticipating... What have I done letting it get this bad??? My Monsters are as bad as I, collecting pretty bags, and shoes, keeping every single Barbie shoe and hairbrush. While I think I have forced them to make space (by almost eliminating an entire bedroom of stuff) I am still floating along alone in my boat that we just don't have room. 

This of course means that even though we have 6 months left before this baby arrives, I feel the uncontrollable urge to push to get it done sooner. As in, NOW. How can I think about new baby items, when I all I can think about is getting rid of what we currently have. So my poor husband will be suffering for many months, as my battle against the clutter wages on. Insanity as it may be, I keep insisting that if it doesn't get done, this baby will be sleeping in a dresser drawer, because where the heck can we even think of putting a bassinet?? While some maybe chalk this up to hormones, I know the truth. I'm milking this pregnancy in an effort to take back what is mine... The Living Space.
It's crazy, but that's life.

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