Thursday, August 2, 2012

Write what you know.

I have contemplated more than once on how to write something that is uniquely different from my normal "child themed" activity. But when you are writing about something that you know, that you genuinely feel down to the core of your being, it is hard to defer from it. However, there is one other thing that I know down to the core of my being, that never ceases to amaze me. It does involve my children, but more importantly my husband. The relationship he has with our daughters is genuinely spectacular. But even more so, the way that he is so unbelievably different from other men is mind baffling. 
Last night when it was time for our girls to get in bed, our oldest decided she wanted to tell her Daddy all about how she doesn't like giants. The conversation with him went a little like this:

Monster1- Daddy, I don't like giants, they are scary. Do you like giants?
Hubby-No I guess I don't like giants.
M1-Well then, do you have a sword?
H-Oh, well, yeah of course I have a sword.
M1- Then you need to kill all the giants so they can't come in my room.
H-Well baby, the giants are bigger than me, so I don't know if I can kill all of them, but don't worry I'll keep them out of the house for sure.

At which point, he decided to take it one step further, and proceeded to cut out a little sword made of cardboard. After giving it to our daughter he said "There, now you can scare off all the giants too, and be Daddy's helper if they get in your room."
I'm pretty sure she slept with that sword all night.

Little things like this just crack me up. I marvel out how easy it is for him to come up with a solution for any problem our girls may have. Yesterday our oldest hit her head on something, and Mommy's kisses didn't make it better. So Daddy and little sister "operated" with hugs and kisses and a flashlight. Suddenly it was all better, because Daddy and "Nurse Sister" made it better. Flash forward to the same scenario with our youngest just thirty minutes later. Like I said, just amazing.

I knew when our oldest was born that there were going to be new ways of seeing this man I married. I knew there would be "Daddy Traits" to fall in love with. I just didn't know that they would continue to pop up four years later. Now, we're expecting our last child, and I'm so eager to see how having a son changes my husband. I'm eager to see how the finality of our decision on having no more children changes OUR relationship. Not that I could ask for anything better. 
Don't get me wrong, we fight like any other couple, but it more rare these days than it has been in the past. When other people talk about their marriages, more often than not I have to say things like "Oh I don't have any experience with that" or "Yeah my husband doesn't do that, that sounds more like something I would do..." I tend to feel like I'm bragging when I talk about him. But sometimes I feel like I don't brag enough on him, and what he does for us. Which is why I don't feel bad praising him right here.

My husband works for me and my girls. He does extra jobs and never tells me that he won't make it to where I can get something that I want or need. Even if it's just a $3 book I don't really need. He always makes sure that after being with the kids all day, I have time for myself. He helps out whenever I ask him to, and he steps up with our kids when I have just had enough. Really, genuinely, I couldn't ask for more. 
I actually kind of like it like that. 

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