Friday, August 3, 2012

It has been a roller coaster kind of day. TGIF.

To begin today's post, I feel I should mention that once again I am sitting in front of my computer trying to endure the dreaded part of the day called Naptime. I'm hoping that blogging is going to take my mind off of the fact that my Monsters are indeed getting past the age where they will take naps like they used to. This every day battle is seriously becoming the dread of my existence, and I fear it is only going to get worse as times moves on and we are dealing with a newborn as well. But anyway, that is neither here nor there, because as I've said before my days never change and this is just to be expected.

I am however dealing with a new struggle that is going to last for approximately ten days. My mom is going on a mission trip to Romania (yay!!) and while that is awesome for her and for the group that is going, it is kind of bad news for me. I have recently turned into quite the mama's girl, and find myself calling my poor mother every single day to talk about nonsensical things like doing dishes and sometimes just to have someone else "here" with me. We almost never talk about anything new, I ramble ninety percent of the time, and I find that in reality, my mom probably has better things to do than listen to me talk about sweeping my floors or folding laundry. But for me it is a lifeline. A small flotation device that keeps me from being completely cut off from the adult world. And now, for the next ten days, we will be incommunicado. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about not being able to talk to my mom while I clean, or while I sit staring out my window trying to block out the noise of my children. Dear readers, you may find that I turn to you for my support in this period of solitude.
Ok, so I'm being a little melodramatic. Obviously I talk to other people, and I have other ways of communicating with adults, and I do even leave my hermit lifestyle on the weekends to hang out with my husband's side of the family. I just know that if I ever need someone to listen to me talk about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, my mom is the one. I actually can't wait for her to be back from Romania (and she's probably not even on her plane there yet!), because I know she will be eager to share all the details of the trip, and I will have lots of conversation. :) I know, I'm totally selfish. 

In other news, whilst on the phone with my darling madre this morning, (See, lifeline) I ended up having a slight confrontation with my neighbor. This has been in the works for a looooooong time, but out of respect for my hubby's wishes, I have always bit my tongue and tried to maintain an even temper when dealing with this neighbor. Some of you may know, and some of you may not know, that our driveway runs through our back yard behind our house. The end of our driveway comes to a T with his. So frequently, he uses our driveway to leave his house instead of back out of his own. This bugs me to no end. Absolutely drives me bonkers. I used to let my kids play outside in the backyard, and now I don't because I never know if he's going to be paying attention to my baby girl crouched down playing in the gravel rocks. 
Well this morning I had an unfortunate incident of a guest at his house leaving by way of my driveway. Right as I let my dog out. I asked my daughter to open the back door, and I let Lily out of her kennel. As I straighten up I see that the exact moment my dog hit the outside is the same moment this truck comes driving through my driveway. Let me say for the record, that this dog is precious to us. I think anyone who has a fur baby can say the same. Our animals are part of our family. AND my daughter was still standing by the back door. All that runs through my head is, My dog is going to get hit by a car in my own fracking driveway. Not even twenty minutes later, my neighbor does THE SAME DAMN THING. Using my driveway to leave his residence. I was still on the phone with my mom, and here she is poor soul, listening to me scream about it. Needless to say, as I walked outside going nutso I realize he didn't turn to the right but instead to the left, and his window was down and he could hear me screaming like a banshee. So what does he do, drives up the road turns around and comes back. I handed the phone to my daughter and walked outside to tell him exactly what I thought about people driving through my driveway like it's there own personal road. And as the words came out of my mouth I realized that I still sounded stark raving mad, and changed my tone just enough to soften the fact that I can't stand  the vehicle passing through my backyard like it's a damn service road. Needless to say after a year of him not giving a flip about driving all over our property, I UPSET HIM because I said I didn't like it and didn't want it to happen anymore. 
I'm livid. I despise being friendly to neighbors who have ZERO respect for my husband and I. This man is older than us by far, and treats us like teenagers. I get that. But I cannot tolerate anyone who tries to tell me what to do with my land, my kids, my dog, my yard, my house and blah blah blah. I've had it. Folks, this may turn into something crazy, all because his buddy almost hit my dog this morning.

And here I am, seven months pregnant trying to maintain the calm. I'm finding it hard to do, as my hormones are on a mother trucking rampage. That's right, I said it. RAMPAGE. *sigh*. Well, now that that's off my chest, I think I'm going to go sweep my floor again. :)

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