Monday, August 27, 2012

What a wonderful weekend!

Can I just say, Holy Moly what a weekend. We went home for a visit with family and friends, and man oh man did it feel so short. I've been counting down to this weekend for what feels like WEEKS, only for it to feel like it lasted a few short moments.
However, it was awesome. I got to see so much of my family, most of whom I haven't seen in bare minimum a year. And on top of that, I was blessed with a baby shower hosted by my extended church family.

My Little Man is so loved by so many people. My whole FAMILY is loved by so many people. I am filled to the brim with undying gratitude, and it feels great.

My Monsters actually did really well this weekend too. They managed to keep up with the fast paced "on the go"-ness that seemed to be the theme for the past two days. Monster 1 only had a couple relatively minor fits, while Monster 2 managed to stay at a low maintenance level of cranky after such long days. The drive home was spectacular because my Monsters slept. And slept. And slept. Only to get home, be transferred to their beds and continue to sleep. It. Was. Bliss.
Hubby and I spent the car ride home engaged in all sorts of conversations, which is my favorite part of road trips. I never cease to be amazed at how we can just talk for hours.
You know that phase that all new couples go through, where they talk all the time non-stop and never seem to run out of words to say, or things to learn about each other?
That is my husband and I on road trips.

Of course, my husband had two Monster energy drinks, so really it was either talk to him or listen to him bee-bop and sing obnoxiously to whatever was on the radio.
After two tiresome days, and only one hour into the trip, I decided on the lesser of two evils. Stay awake and talk. I'm pretty sure I might have been half asleep for, oh, say, Half the conversation? I jest, I kid. Kind of.

These conversations always seems to go one of two ways. (Ok, so ultimately they end the same way, and I'll explain) My husband starts off by ranting about something that genuinely irks him to no end, and I either
1) Agree with him, or
2) Start a debate I know I can win, and we have a verbal sparring match where I find a way to crush him down into agreeing with me.
Now option number 2 is always endlessly fun and entertaining, but there have been moments in the past where I've backed down if I realize I can't win. Because who likes to lose in an embarrassing way? I'd rather graciously bow out and concede to agreeing with him.
The topic of last nights conversation was mainly gender neutrality in society, and the sexist views that girls can "do anything" but boys can't. I would go into detail, but really, I'd love first to hear what other people think.
Readers, do you think it's wrong that girls are allowed to do "boy things" (such as like the color blue, play with cars, and take interest in what are predominately male hobbies) while the boys are taught they have to be tough, hate pink, and in general have a mild aversion to anything girly? I'm interested to hear some feedback!

Anyway, on that note, my girly girls are ready for me to prep them for bed time, after which I might just start another fiery debate with my husband!

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