Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Today was a day.

Today was a rough day. I woke up on edge, with not much on my mind except tragedy. I woke up irritated at the world, because life is not fair. I woke up angry that bad things happen. I woke up sad that a mother is grieving. 
Today was a hard day. I almost forgot once or twice to be thankful. I almost lost my cool more than once. I was upset over something petty. I almost lost track that a mother out there wishes her day were like mine.
Today was a sad day. I was focused on unimportant things. I was worried about things that haven't happened. I felt guilty for feeling relieved. I felt anxious that I could have been that mother. 
Today was a long day. Each minute was a blessing, though I forgot once or twice that it was. I was impatient with my children, despite the overwhelming gratitude that they are mine. I struggled through my chores, and I grumbled from time to time. I forgot for a moment to be grateful for tiny clothes. Another mother has to pack hers away. 
Today was a quiet day. Despite the noise in my home, my soul remained mournful. For a woman I have never even met, and for a child that is gone from this earth. I quietly told myself that things happen for a reason. I remembered a loving God who welcomed a tiny angel yesterday. But still my heart felt broken.
I took time to sit with my children today, learning with them, playing with them, and eating with them. I reflected on their milestones, while lamenting the ones someone else will never see. I hugged each of my babies today. Breathed in their scents. I stroked their hair and marveled at their joy. I shushed them when they were loud, then regretted stifling the rambunctious laughter. 
Today I raged at the world. That life goes on, even though for someone else, time has stopped. I cursed at the cruelty of mother nature, and the cycle of life. I cried today for a kindred spirit. Then I was ashamed to thank God it wasn't me. That life was not snatched out of my hands. 

I hugged and kissed my children today. Through tears I watched them play. With a heavy heart I carried on with our routine, as though nothing had even happened. I said a prayer once or twice, and I kept on trekking. Because that is what you are supposed to do. But I have not forgotten.

Today was a day. I almost took it for granted.
Today I remembered to say thank you, that God gifted it to me.

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