And so it begins. Ladies and gentlemen, Husband's side job has begun and we are now one of THOSE couples. The ones that sit down and see each other for twenty minutes a day and one of us is ALWAYS asleep before the other. Before you think that I am complaining, you should know that I'm not. I know I could have it much worse. These are just some of my "first world problems" I guess you could say.
For example. Husband works two jobs, so that we can save up to get a second vehicle. The ultimate goal? To get this chick right here a minivan, even if it's used. FWP.
The result of Husband working two jobs is that the Monsters and I stay home a lot more. I know, it is horrendous not being mobile enough to spend Husband's money. FWP.
Being home every day gives me more time to notice that my washer, dryer, and dishwasher are all in perfect working order. Major FWP.
Of course, I also spend more time focusing on the spots on my floors. I guess I'll have to go grab my Shark Steam Mop out of the closet and take care of that... FWP.
Oh, and my laundry mountain keeps getting bigger. Because my kids have So Many Clothes that they have the luxury of changing clothes 5 times a day and still have enough clothes to do the same thing for the next 4 days. FWP.
I also have plenty of time to snack. Which means I keep standing in front of my stocked fridge, freezer and pantry. Because 45 minutes have already passed since the last time I grabbed food. FWP.
Today alone I've already caught up on all my blogs, Facebook, Yahoo News, and the Proboards, and I will likely do so again in about an hour. FWP for the win.
I guess I need some perspective. Obviously I am very blessed with the things that I have, and I know for a fact I do not want to imagine life without them. It is hard though, when you do the same exact things every single day, every single week, every single month. Nothing changes, and I am bored out of my ever loving mind sometimes. I am ready for it to be spring, so my doors and windows can stay open. So my animals and my kids can run back and forth, between inside and out. I am ready for Monster Man to be a little more independent, because I had forgotten how much babies just want you to hold them so they can stare at the room around them. Unfortunately for him, I'm tired of staring!
I don't even have anything else to write about friends. That's how mundane it is around here lately. I need something to do. The MONSTERS need something to do, before I pull all my hair out and look like I belong in an insane asylum.
Spring needs to just happen, because my first world problems are getting on my nerves.
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