Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It has been a happy day and a half.

So as many people know, yesterday morning was baby day. It was baby day and it started early. I woke up many different times the night before, and when I woke up the last time at 7:15 I decided to go ahead and stay awake. By 7:25 I was dressed with my makeup on and I was ready to go. Of course I was the only one. Everyone else in my household was still sound asleep, completely unaware that it was already BABY DAY. My sweet girls were curled up in their beds not knowing that in a couple hours they would either have a little sister or a little brother, and we were going to know! 
After a few moments of walking around my quiet house all by myself, I decided to wake my slumbering sweethearts. 
Luckily it didn't take too long to get out the door and for the hubby and I to get to the doctor's office. I was nauseous and nervous and desperate. By the time we were called back to see the ultrasound technician I was prepared to pay attention to everything. 
So I did. First she measured the heart rate, and that was the first sign. The baby's heart rate was 136 bpm. My girls both had higher heart rates. Then she flashed to the baby sucking on it's little thumb. Which was when I said that both my girls had done that through their ultrasounds as well. Real slick, because the tech replied with "Oh you have two girls at home? Well let's get these measurements and we'll see what you've got in here." 
But she flashed over it, and I saw. I knew. I endured a few more minutes of measurements and the technical side of things before finally she said it.
"It looks like we've got a boy in here!"

My sweet baby boy. Declan James. I knew, all along that he was going to be my little Declan. 

Now I just have to figure out, what the heck I'm supposed to do with a boy!

Friday, May 4, 2012

A near breakdown intervention.

So I've been trying in vain to accomplish quite a few projects in my house. By projects I mean, floor to ceiling scrubbing of certain rooms. This has not happened yet. My Monsters have definitely prevented a lot of accomplishments from occurring. However I've grown accustomed to the fact that my agenda and theirs is not the same. 
But when we woke up this morning, I was in the mood. I was ready to go. I wanted to Get Stuff Done. 
They did not.
They did not want to pick up their toys.
They did not want to sit nicely at the table and eat breakfast.
They did not want to take responsibility for the half emptied bottle of glue and the mess on my table.
They did not even want to sit and watch cartoons.

Until their Nana showed up. 
My mother in law is a wonderful woman with unlimited patience that I, for the life of me, just can't grasp or understand. I know that this is where her youngest daughter (my best friend, and husband's older sister) gets her personality. She marched on in, and said "I'm here to help with the kids". I am not sure how she knew (I'm going to assume it was the Facebook post about the glue on the table...) and I didn't care. I answered the door, and immediately started crying, thanking God she was there. I then told her this. "Thank God, I can't handle them right now, I'll be in my bed willing my life to end, since you're here to watch them." 

I didn't crawl in bed, or even will my life to end. I stopped crying and I did what she told me to do. I let her deal with them, put on my headphones, and I Got Stuff Done. In the process of getting stuff done (the bathroom, all the floors, the kitchen) my mother in law cleaned not only the playroom, but the girls' bedroom as well. Not only that she got MY MONSTERS to help her! Then she made lunch, and sat with them not moving until they fell asleep for nap time. 
So my house is clean, my kids are sleeping, and as she walked out the door, Mom said "Enjoy your peace and quiet, take a nap or something".

I am left quite unsure of what to do with myself. I want to watch t.v. but I know there's more I could pick up. I want to take a nap, but I'm not sure my mind will slow down from the productivity train to allow said nap to occur. I'm considering sitting on my couch with a book, and no noise sans the washer, dryer, and dishwasher whirring along doing their little jobs. 

By golly, she even made sure I ate something, so I don't even have to do that.

I think I'll be reading....

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My children bring out the best in me :)

Ok, so I know that some of my posts, while full of witty humor about my crazy day to day life, do generally talk about how my children make me insane. I don't really talk a whole lot about how they bring out the best in me.

Only my children can lay on top of me, with their poking little knees and elbows, and I will still be comfortable. 
Only for my children will I spend two hours on the phone with the doctors office to people who just DO NOT UNDERSTAND what I am trying to say to them.
Only for them will I start planning a birthday party a month and a half in advance to make it as fun as possible on our tight budget.
Only for my children will I forgo the shower and the clean house so that I can spend two miserable hot hours sitting outside on the front porch watching them have all the fun.

Do sometime mundane research about finger foods kids love.
Pay for an Ariel birthday cake.
Buy streamers
Water balloons ('nuff said.)

Ok so this is kind of veering off about Scarlet's up and coming birthday party. But genuinely I have been putting in a ton of effort for just a couple hours of fun with her friends and family. I can accept that not everyone will have a complete and utter blast, and some may think that cutting hot dogs to look like an octopus is just silly. But that's the game plan because she informed me that she wants an Ariel birthday party. Wooo Hoooo.

Do you know how hard it is to find Ariel themed items, or to even make it LOOK like you got Ariel themed items??? Very.
But I love her, and I want her to be so excited when she comes home from a week with my mom, to see our house spotless, and filled with the decorations for her birthday party... Cause I'm just that awesome.